Singapore Carpet Cleaning

Singapore Carpet Cleaning

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Carpet cleaning method - Hot water extraction

In the Singapore carpet cleaning industry, hot water extraction is a very popular method to maintain and clean office (wall to wall) carpet.

It is popular due to the efficient and fast drying nature of this carpet cleaning method. High pressure is used in hot water extraction machines to agitate the carpet fibers, hot water is then used to increase reaction rate between the water solution and the dirt residue inside the carpet fiber.

Hot water is usually heated to around 60 degrees Celsius before being shot at high pressure onto the carpet fiber before suction from the vacuum pump extract the hot water together with the dirt residue from the carpet totally.

This method of carpet cleaning is great for odor removal and will leave the carpet smelling fresh and hygiene immediately after the session. The carpet usually takes between 4-8 hours to dry in indoor condition. Having a well ventilated or air conditioned environment will accelerate the drying speed substantially. Therefore at Art of Cleaning, we highly recommend carpet owners to use Hot water extraction method to clean your carpet every 6 months to maintain the outlook and hygiene level of your carpet.

Art of Cleaning is one of the leaders in Singapore carpet cleaning industry. We take pride in our work and strive to be the leading cleaning company in Singapore!

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